
8086 Coding

Learn to write programs for Intel 8086 processor in Assembly and run it on simulator

44 Participants 30 Minutes Beginner

In this practical exploration of 8086 Assembly Programming, we introduce you to the world of low-level programming and computer architecture. In this hands-on expedition, we will embark on a journey to master assembly programming for the venerable 8086 microprocessor, an instrumental player in the evolution of personal computing.



Before entering the 8086 Assembly Programming lab, students should possess a foundational understanding of digital logic, computer architecture, and basic assembly language concepts. Familiarity with binary and hexadecimal numbering systems is also beneficial.


What is the 8086 Microprocessor?

The 8086 microprocessor is a 16-bit microprocessor introduced by Intel in the late 1970s. It played a crucial role in the development of personal computers. Assembly programming for the 8086 involves writing low-level instructions to perform various tasks, making it an essential skill for computer engineers and embedded systems developers.


Programming the 8086:

In this lab, students will learn to write assembly programs for the 8086 microprocessor. Three key programs will be explored:


Program I: Add Two Word-Length Numbers

  • Description: This program instructs the 8086 microprocessor to add two word-length numbers (16 bits each) and display the result.

  • Advantages: Teaches fundamental arithmetic operations, handling larger data sizes, and memory manipulation.

  • Challenges: Proper handling of carry bits in addition, ensuring correct addressing, and managing registers for storage.


Program II: Calculate the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of Two Numbers

  • Description: This program calculates the LCM of two numbers using a well-known algorithm, showcasing mathematical computation in assembly.

  • Advantages: Demonstrates algorithm implementation, modular arithmetic, and control flow.

  • Challenges: Implementing the LCM algorithm, proper looping, and managing intermediate results.


Program III: Calculate Factorial Using Looping

  • Description: This program calculates the factorial of a number, emphasizing loops and iterative calculations.

  • Advantages: Illustrates the use of loops for repetitive calculations, variable storage, and factorial computation.

  • Challenges: Proper loop management, memory allocation, and avoiding stack overflow.


Lab Benefits:

  • Low-Level Programming Proficiency: Writing assembly programs for the 8086 microprocessor provides students with expertise in low-level programming, enhancing their understanding of computer architecture.

  • Foundation for Embedded Systems: Proficiency in assembly programming is crucial for embedded systems development, firmware design, and real-time systems.

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Solving practical problems using assembly sharpens problem-solving skills, logic, and computational thinking.

  • Understanding Hardware: Students gain insight into how software interacts with hardware components in a computer system.


Refer to these to learn more:

  1. https://www.bing.com/search?q=8086+Assembly+Programming&cvid=fc21b481e987448380b5663355b7e0d4&aqs=edge..69i57j69i61l3.224j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=L

  2. CTS

  3. A beginners guide to Assembly language using emu8086 - DEV Community



The 8086 Assembly Programming lab equips students with essential skills in low-level programming and computer architecture. It serves as a foundation for comprehending microcontrollers, embedded systems, and real-time systems. By writing programs that perform arithmetic, implement algorithms, and execute loops, students gain a strong understanding of assembly language concepts and their practical applications. This lab fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, preparing students for diverse careers in computer engineering and embedded systems development

Note: The lab provides the necessary assembly code for the programs, allowing students to focus on understanding the logic, execution flow, and practical applications of 8086 assembly programming.


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