
DNS Basics with Packet Tracer

Learn how DNS queries work when a new website is opened on pre-built Packet Tracer setup

309 Participants 30 Minutes Beginner

In this lab, we will delve into the fundamental concepts of DNS (Domain Name System), guiding you through demonstrating a network with DNS server, HTTP server and client in Cisco Packet Tracer and helping you understand the crucial role it plays in the functioning of the internet. DNS is the backbone of internet communication, translating human-friendly domain names into IP addresses, making it easier for us to access websites and services.

In this lab we will do the following:

1. Create a Network with a client PC, Switch and a Server.

2. Configure the DNS server and add records to map websites to their respective IP addresses.


Understanding DNS Basics:

DNS is like a phonebook for the internet, converting user-friendly domain names (e.g., www.example.com) into machine-readable IP addresses (e.g., Let's explore some key concepts related to DNS:


DNS Protocol:

DNS operates using a client-server model, where clients (typically your devices) request DNS resolution, and DNS servers provide the corresponding IP address. It uses a hierarchical structure, with multiple levels of DNS servers, including root servers, top-level domain (TLD) servers, and authoritative name servers.


DNS Server:

A DNS server is a specialized computer or software application responsible for resolving domain names into IP addresses. DNS servers can be categorized as recursive resolvers (providing complete resolution) or authoritative servers (providing domain-specific information).


DNS Record Types:

DNS stores information in various record types, including A (IPv4 address), AAAA (IPv6 address), MX (mail server), CNAME (canonical name), and more. Each record type serves a specific purpose, helping route traffic and deliver services.


Domain Hierarchy:

DNS organizes domains in a hierarchical structure, with the root domain at the top, followed by top-level domains (TLDs), second-level domains, and subdomains. Understanding this hierarchy is crucial for DNS management and configuration.


DNS Resolution Process:

When you enter a domain name in a web browser, your device sends a DNS resolution request to a DNS server.

The DNS server processes the request by querying other DNS servers in a recursive manner until it obtains the IP address associated with the domain name.


Benefits of DNS:

DNS offers several advantages:

1. Human-Friendly Addresses: DNS makes the internet more accessible by allowing users to use domain names instead of remembering complex IP addresses.

2. Load Balancing: DNS can distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers to balance the load and improve performance.

3. Redundancy: DNS can provide redundancy by offering multiple IP addresses for the same domain, ensuring availability even if one server fails.

4. Security: DNS can be used for various security features, such as filtering out malicious websites and enabling encryption (DNS-over-HTTPS).


Follow these links to learn more about DNS:

What is Domain Name Server (DNS) and How it Works? - Tech4Fresher



This lab delves into the fundamentals of DNS which acts as the internet's phonebook, translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. Understanding DNS basics and mastering common DNS commands will empower you to navigate and troubleshoot network connectivity and domain name resolution effectively. Let's dive into the lab to gain practical experience with DNS.


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