
Docker Compose Basics

Learn basic commands and concepts of Docker Compose.

109 Participants 30 Minutes Beginner
Docker-Compose is an essential tool in the Docker ecosystem that facilitates the orchestration and deployment of multi-container applications. It allows developers to define their application's architecture, dependencies, and configurations in a single file, making it easier to manage and scale the application across various environments consistently.

In this hands-on exercise, we will learn fundamentals of Docker-Compose by performing various operations. We will cover the following:

1.Create a simple Docker image for Flask app.
2.Define services and networks using Docker-Compose.
3.Build image and run containers with Docker-Compose
4.View logs for services running in Docker-Compose.
5.Use bind mounts to perform code changes without rebuilding the image.
6. Scale the deployment by running multiple service replicas

Why should we use Docker-Compose?

Docker-Compose provides numerous benefits, including:

Simplified container orchestration:

Define and manage complex applications with ease.

Environment consistency:

Ensure consistent environments across development, testing, and production.


Easily scale services up or down based on demand.


Share the same Docker-Compose configuration across teams and environments.

Important Aspects of Docker-Compose

Service Definition

Docker-Compose allows you to define the services that make up your application. Each service represents a containerized component of your application, such as a web server, database, or backend service. You can specify various configurations for each service, including the base image, environment variables, ports, and more.


Docker-Compose enables you to create custom networks for your services. Containers within the same network can communicate with each other using their service names as hostnames. This simplifies the setup of communication between containers and allows you to isolate services on different networks as needed for security and organisational purposes.


Managing data persistence and sharing between containers is crucial in any application. Docker-Compose allows you to define volumes that persist data beyond the lifespan of a container. This ensures that critical data, like databases or user uploads, is retained even if the container is restarted or replaced.

Environment Variables

Docker-Compose allows you to set environment variables for your services. This is especially useful for configuring application behaviour based on the environment it runs in, such as development, testing, or production environments. Environment variables can be easily managed in the Docker-Compose file.


You can extend Docker-Compose configurations by using external Compose files. These files can override or add to the services defined in the primary Docker-Compose file. This feature is valuable for managing environment-specific configurations or sharing common configurations across multiple projects.

Detached Mode

 When running services with Docker-Compose, you can use detached mode (-d) to run the services in the background. This allows you to continue using the terminal for other tasks without the services' output cluttering your screen.


 Docker-Compose provides easy access to service logs. You can view the logs of all the services running with docker-compose up or focus on logs for a specific service using docker-compose logs <service-name>. This feature aids in monitoring and troubleshooting the application.

Bind Mounts

Docker-Compose supports bind mounts, allowing you to mount a host directory directly into a container. This is especially useful during development, as it enables you to instantly reflect code changes made on the host machine in the running container, without the need to rebuild the image.

Resource Management  

Docker-Compose allows you to control resource allocation for services. You can define resource constraints like CPU and memory limits to ensure fair distribution of resources and prevent one service from monopolising the host's resources.

By leveraging these powerful features of Docker-Compose, you can streamline the management of your multi-container applications, enhance application performance, ensure data integrity, and maintain consistency across various environments. Docker-Compose plays a significant role in enabling efficient container orchestration and deployment, making it an essential tool in the Docker ecosystem.

Docker Compose Basics


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