
Installation: DNS Server

Learn to install and configure a DNS Server on a Linux machine and interact with it using CLI

133 Participants 30 Minutes Beginner

The DNS Implementation lab offers a comprehensive hands-on experience in configuring and querying DNS servers, delving into the intricate workings of domain name resolution, record types, and server configurations. DNS, or Domain Name System, serves as a vital hierarchical and decentralized naming system for Internet-connected resources. Throughout this lab, participants will utilize BIND9, a widely acclaimed DNS server software, to configure a local DNS server, gaining insights into its setup and functionality. By leveraging nslookup for querying DNS records, participants will navigate through essential processes, from stopping conflicting services to configuring zone files, ultimately empowering them with practical skills in deploying and verifying DNS server implementations.

What is DNS

DNS, short for Domain Name System, is a decentralized hierarchical naming system that is used to translate human-readable domain names into numerical IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. In simpler terms, it serves as the "phone book" of the internet, allowing users to access websites, send emails, and connect to other online services by using easy-to-remember domain names instead of complex IP addresses.

Here's how DNS works:

  • Name Resolution: When a user enters a domain name (such as www.example.com) into a web browser or other internet application, the DNS system translates that domain name into the corresponding IP address that the computer can understand.

  • Hierarchical Structure: DNS operates in a hierarchical structure, with domain names organized into levels. At the top level are the root domain servers, which are responsible for the overall coordination of the DNS system. Below the root are top-level domains (TLDs) like ".com", ".org", and country-code TLDs like ".uk" and ".jp". Each domain can be further subdivided into subdomains, creating a tree-like structure.

  • DNS Servers: DNS queries are typically handled by a series of DNS servers. When a user's device needs to resolve a domain name, it sends a DNS query to a recursive DNS resolver, which may then contact other DNS servers to find the IP address associated with the domain name. These DNS servers may include authoritative DNS servers, which are responsible for storing and providing DNS records for specific domains.

  • Caching: To improve performance and reduce network traffic, DNS servers often cache DNS records for a certain period of time. This means that if a DNS query has been made recently for a particular domain, the DNS server can retrieve the IP address from its cache instead of querying other DNS servers.

  • Record Types: DNS supports various types of records, each serving a specific purpose. Some common types of DNS records include:

  • A Records: Maps a domain name to an IPv4 address.

  • AAAA Records: Maps a domain name to an IPv6 address.

  • MX Records: Specifies mail servers responsible for receiving email for a domain.

  • CNAME Records: Alias one domain name to another.

  • PTR Records: Perform reverse DNS lookup, mapping IP addresses to domain names.

Overall, DNS plays a crucial role in enabling the smooth functioning of the internet, allowing users to access resources using easy-to-remember domain names while abstracting the underlying complexities of IP addresses and network routing.

What is Bind9 

BIND9, or Berkeley Internet Name Domain version 9, stands as the premier open-source implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol, developed by the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC). Renowned for its scalability, performance, and security, BIND9 serves as a versatile DNS server software, accommodating the needs of small-scale networks to large-scale internet infrastructure. Offering extensive customization options, including support for DNSSEC, caching, and dynamic updates, BIND9 ensures reliable domain name resolution while mitigating DNS-related threats. Its status as the reference implementation of DNS underscores its reliability and stability, backed by active community support and a commitment to open-source principles, making it an indispensable component of internet infrastructure worldwide.

For more information about DNS, follow the link:

Domain Name Service (DNS) | Ubuntu

Benefits of DNS

  • Hierarchical and Decentralized: DNS operates in a hierarchical structure, distributing the workload across multiple servers and ensuring efficient resolution of domain names to IP addresses. This decentralized approach enhances reliability and scalability, as it reduces the risk of single points of failure.

  • Human-Readable Naming: DNS translates complex IP addresses into user-friendly domain names, making it easier for users to remember and access websites, services, and resources on the internet. This abstraction simplifies the browsing experience and facilitates the growth of the web.

  • Load Distribution: DNS can distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers using techniques like round-robin DNS, helping to balance the load and improve the overall performance and availability of web services.

  • Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: DNS supports features like DNS caching and zone replication, which enhance redundancy and fault tolerance. By caching DNS records locally and replicating zones across multiple authoritative servers, DNS can continue to resolve domain names even in the event of server failures or network issues.


In conclusion, the DNS Implementation lab offers a hands-on journey into the intricate realm of domain name resolution, leveraging the foundational principles of DNS to empower participants with practical skills in configuring and querying DNS servers. Through the exploration of BIND9, a robust DNS server software, participants gain insights into the hierarchical and decentralized nature of DNS, equipping them with the knowledge to navigate server configurations and record types effectively. With a solid understanding of DNS and BIND9, participants emerge prepared to contribute to the reliability and stability of internet infrastructure, ensuring seamless connectivity and accessibility for users worldwide.

Installation: DNS Server


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