
SSH and Telnet

Learn to run a local SSH/Telnet server, interact with SSH and Telnet using CLI commands and observe the difference

26 Participants 30 Minutes Beginner

This lab provides hands-on experience in setting up a local SSH (Secure Shell) and Telnet server, interacting with these servers using Command-Line Interface (CLI) commands, and observing the differences between SSH and Telnet protocols.



1. Basic understanding of command-line interface (CLI).

2. Familiarity with networking concepts.


Key Concepts Related to SSH and Telnet

1. SSH (Secure Shell): SSH is a cryptographic network protocol used for secure remote access to systems and data transfer. It provides encryption and authentication, ensuring secure communication over an insecure network.

2. Telnet: Telnet is a network protocol used for remote terminal access. Unlike SSH, Telnet does not provide encryption or security features, making it less secure for communication over untrusted networks.

3. SSH Server: An SSH server is a software application that listens for incoming SSH connections and allows authorized clients to access the server securely.

4. Telnet Server: A Telnet server is a software application that listens for incoming Telnet connections and provides remote terminal access to clients.

5. CLI Commands: Both SSH and Telnet clients use command-line interface (CLI) commands to establish connections, log in, and interact with remote servers.


Advantages of SSH

1. Security: SSH encrypts data during transmission, making it suitable for secure remote access.

2. Authentication: SSH provides strong user authentication mechanisms.

3. Support for Key Pair Authentication: SSH supports public-key authentication for enhanced security.


Disadvantages of Telnet

1. Lack of Encryption: Telnet transmits data in plain text, posing significant security risks.

2. Limited Authentication: Telnet provides limited authentication options compared to SSH.


Feature Telnet SSH
Operation Uses TCP port 23 and works best with local area networks. Uses TCP port 22 by default. Easy to change the port number.
Security Less secure than SSH, with many vulnerabilities. Difficult to encrypt data. Highly Secure  
Authentication No authentication mechanism. Use public key encryption
Data Formats Data is transferred as plain text. Data is encrypted before transfer.  
Operating Systems Linux and Windows. All popular Operating Systems.
Bandwidth Usage Low. High.
Comparison of Telnet and SSH

Refer to these links for more info:

1. telnet | Microsoft Learn

2. What is SSH (Secure Shell)? | SSH Academy



This lab provides a hands-on experience in setting up and interacting with both SSH and Telnet servers using CLI commands. By comparing the two protocols, you can understand the importance of SSH in securing remote access and data transfer over untrusted networks.Let's get started with the lab to explore the differences between SSH and Telnet in practice.


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